
Giulio Secondo is the stage name of Jacopo Bosio.

I was born in Rome where I studied Italian poetry and literature, having the good fortune to have a great poetess as my spiritual mother: Bianca Maria Frabotta.

I wrote poetry and taught Italian language. I lived in Milan where I worked for Flair Magazine as a fashion editor, getting deep in the realm of beauty that I felt trapped in it, showered, tipsy. So that I need a detox.

Since 2017 I live and work in Berlin where I discovered the vocation for art, for the cold nature of the North, and for tarot.

Giulio Secondo was a pope, a grumpy man, a warrior, most likely a pain in the ass, but he came up with the money to commission the Sistine Chapel and other masterpieces. I chose his name because I find myself in the contradictions that Giulio held within him: Spirit and war and passion also tell something about me. All the rest (Jacopo) is boredom.

Contact me via Email at jacopobosio@virgilio.it or on Instagram at Giulio Secondo